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Project Overview

Type of Work

UX Mobile / Desktop Design

The Industry

Fintech, B2C

The Need

SME need fast financial support to grow.

The Solution

A credit line product that will be easy to obtain online and independently, without the need to involve an agent.

My Role

UX designer and researcher



As part of my work at Firma




UX Design Process

Design Workshop

User and Market Research

MVP Design

User Testing

A workshop to define the personas and the user journeys of the product.

Design and user test an initial concept 

Design the on-boarding and the dashboard of the product.

Test the on-boarding process with users.


Design Thinking


We held three workshops to define the personas that would be using this product and how the levels of their authority would define the user flows.

We defined two types of businesses, LTD and Sole proprietorship.


Under the LTD type of business we defined three separate types of users:

  • Those able to sign on behalf of the company (CEO)

  • Those who have access to the bank records (in house accountant, bookkeeper

  • Those who have no authority to perform anything on behalf of the company (office manager, external accountant)

After we defined the personas we moved on to map how the on boarding would be for each of those personas, according to their access to financial and legal abilities.

Personas LTD



Professional Male

As someone who can sign and take out loans on behalf of the company but has limited time, I want to be able to delegate parts of a credit line application process, so that I can focus on running the company.


The bookkeeper

Woman in Office

As I have access to the bank records of the company, I want to be able to help my manager with a credit line application, so that he can focus on bringing new clients. 


The office manager

Young Artist

As I do not have any legal authorities, I still want to be able to sign up the company for financial incentives and see the process of those applications, so that I can send reminders to the CEO of the company.

Personas Sole proprietorship


The Owner of "Babka Bakery"

Chef no Hat

As an owner of a small business,

I want to be able to get cheap financial capital very fast, so that I can take my business to the next level.

User Flows

With the Bizi team, we defined the necessary data and legal documents that user would need to provide, such as ID scan, credit check confirmation form, and bank statements, in order to be granted the credit line.  We then created the user flow of the onboarding process to understand where the flow would potentially break and how to deal with these situations. We realized the order of the documents requested would need to be different for mobile and for desktop.

  • Flow starting from a mobile device, we left the upload of bank statements last, as they mainly attainable from the desktop site of a bank, meaning that the user would need to continue on the desktop.

  • Flow starting from a desktop device, we left the scanning of the ID last, as the scanning technology was only available on mobile, meaning that the user would need to continue on a mobile device.

The idea was to help the user get through all the onboarding stages fast leave the parts where the user would need to switch devices last, and make the transmission seamless.

We also found opportunities for delegating someone else in the company do upload legal documents, to help speed up the process.

Bizi flows.jpg

User Research

The credit line product is completely new in Israel, so together with the Strategy department of Firma, we conducted interviews with potential future clients of Bizi, entrepreneurs, owners of SME that are looking for financial solutions to take their business to the next step.

Among the many questions we had, we wanted to know:

  • Who is responsible for applying for financial support in your company?

  • Which current solutions are you using and what is your experience with those so far?

  • Which platform do you use on a day to day, mobile or web?

Market Research

We went through the on-boarding and opened accounts in leading credit line companies abroad to understand the process, the type of questions they ask, how they get to know their customer and how do they present a user's financial progress.



On boarding and the dashboard should focus on the following

Seamless Flow       |       Lean Flows


Personalisation       |       Multiple Users

Encouraging       |       Trustworthy 


Omni Channel


Design a lean and flexible on-boarding flow and dashboard that encourages the users to complete the process





UX Design


The on-boarding is split between the following stages:

  • Soft Questions, to confirm compatibility

  • Create Account

  • Credit Check Approval

  • Upload of Bank Statements

After all the above have been submitted and assessed the user receives an offer from Bizi with the credit line amount. 

In between the stages, users see a status page that explains where they are in the process and encourages them to move forward.

Soft Questions

There are about 7 soft questions to get to know the customer (KYC). Each page has only one question, there is no scrolling, numbers are paired with icons (where the white circles are), to make it more pleasing and a fun experience. To show progress, we used a progress bar, as opposed to separated tabs or numbers. This is because we wanted to keep the progress abstract, and not to scare off the user.


"We match!" Fun celebration page that shows what the next steps are.


Amount of possible items to pick from is limited to 6 for faster scanning and selection.


Options are in amount ranges, so users can just tab and not type


Welcoming page with explanation carousel.

Create Account

The questions to create an account are different for LTD to Sole proprietors, this is because we need to understand at this point is the users who are part of an LTD have the ability to sign on behalf of the company or only have limited access viewing bank information, so we can ask them to fill in whatever information is within their capacity and leave the rest to the others, in order to speed up the process.


Page with which documents users need to have with them, for the next step, to speed up the process.


The status page that shows progress within the application process.


For LTD, answering questions on authority, with an explanation for each question.


Setting up a password with guidance.

Credit Check confirmation


Sticky "Approve" CTA to move through this page fast 

At this stage, users are asked to confirm a credit check and to upload scan their ID. 


Explanation of the environmental conditions for fas and successful ID scan.


Slide up explaining why scanning an ID is required.


Ability to select ID document, and also text link at the bottom sending an email reminder to the user with a QR code to scan the ID later.

Bank Statements

This is the hardest step in the process, in terms of building trust so the users can feel comfortable enough to provide bank statements or view of banking activities through open banking. We created an explanation page.


Open banking option for Sole Proprietors with a text link explaining what open banking is, and a text link to upload files instead. 


Slide up showing how to access those financial files according to each bank.


Option to delegate upload documents via specific email or through delegation. 


Text heavy page to explain that the Bizi maintains privacy and security.

Bizi Offer

After completing the process, the system is able to assess them fast and provide an offer. The offer will be for the exact amount the user requested or less or more depending on the financial records of the users' company.


Congratulations screen, the credit has been allocated to the user. 


The screen of T&Cs document that needs to be signed.


The final screen of the carousel with the interest rate of the credit line and offer expiration date.


Credit Line offers to user in a carousel, with all the info they need to read.

Loan withdrawal

Although the users have been allocated with the credit line, they need to upload some final documents such as setting up a standing order for paying back the loans. This was left only after the users are granted the credit line, so as not to extend the process even further.

Buttons lead to slid-ups where the users are required to upload or sign documents.


Missing documents are in the form of buttons.

Once a document has been uploaded it is marked with a check mark.



The dashboard is for the users:

  • to view the balance of their credit line

  • to view and their upcoming and previous paybacks 

  • to make new loan withdrawals 

We decided that it should remain a mobile web page and not an app, to speed up the development process. Also, it was assessed that users would not log in on a frequent basis, for them to need an app, so that was another reason not to rush to develop an application. 

Below are the four main actions that users do. The main two, taking a new loan or increasing their credit limit are highlighted.

The withdrawal calculator is always available, to encourage the user to make new withdrawals. 


The first thing the users see is their credit line balance, in relation to their credit limit. This is so they can see how much is available for them to use and make a withdrawal.

Package offers tailor-made to the user will also be offered, which are within the users' financial capacity but also an opportunity to connect between users and create partnerships to help everyone grow. 

The user can then see where they stand with their return payments and most importantly when and how is the next repayment.


The dashboard is for the users:

  • to view where they stand with their repayments

  • to pay back and close open loans. 

  • to view the status of their loans, which ones have been paid off, which ones are still open, late, and pending.

It consists of the main page where the status is concentrated and the user can see them either by scrolling or tapping on the anchors (similar to Wolt). Tapping on one of the components will lead to an inner page where users can see the complete monthly breakdown of payments and their interest rate divisions. 

Loans lobby page

Navigation is from the top tabs which function as anchors. They stay sticky at the top and change focus according to the item beneath them (similar to Wolt).

Icons and copy are used to encourage the user when getting close to paying off a loan.


The loans page opens up to the total sum of the money that needs to be paid off so that users can be aware of their financial situation.

The order of the withdrawals first those which are late to be paid, followed by those yet to be approved, open requests, and paid of requests. The focus was given on those as they can harm the credit score of the user and they won't be able to make new withdrawal requests.

Each component includes the most important information:

  • The name of the withdrawal

  • A unique code that they can consolidate in their bank statements

  • The date and the amount of the upcoming payment  

  • The total amount remaining to be paid off

  • A visual representation of how much has been paid to assess fast where they stand and to encourage the users when is more than half has been paid back. 

Confirmation page

Main CTA returning the user to the Loans lobby page and secondary CTA leading to a new withdrawal to keep a continuous flow of withdrawal requests.


Moment of delight when a user has paid off a loan. 

Design Validation

User testing

We tested the initial designs of the onboarding flow with 5 users.

Users were given tasks to do starting from easy to escalating to more complicated tasks.

We wanted to hear their thoughts on the flow but also to tests its usability. We needed to confirm that users could navigate the flow, that they knew where they were at each stage and what they needed to do. 

The following came up:

  • Users did not understand where they were in the flow, so we had to redesign it in a way that each section had its own start and confirmation page so users knew where they were in the process.

  • Users said they would not delegate someone else to upload documents on their behalf. We still kept the feature in as we wanted to be able to test it in the future with more clients such as external accountants that would not have access to their clients' bank details.

  • Users were able to understand clearly the tasks that they needed to do and press on the appropriate buttons fast, such as finding and pressing on the "remind me" link if they did not have a document handy. 


Final Thoughts

  • The platform, users will be on when going through the onboarding, needs to define the order of the tasks required by users, to ensure there is no drop in the middle and they can seamlessly continue the flow on a different platform.

  • Always design keeping in mind that users will need to leave and come back, during flows that require documents that they may not have on them at the time. Add features and gateways such as email reminders to make sure the users will be able to pick up where they left off easily and fast, once they have what is needed to complete the process.

UI Design

The UI was designed by the UI designers of the team. We made sure we worked closely together and were both in all meetings to make sure that each other's vision was not comprimised.


The work I did

The tools I used

Worked directly with the client

User Research​

Market Research

Site Architecture

User Flows



User Testing

Design requirements manual for the PMs

Axure - for wireframing and prototyping

Zoom - for User testing

Google Sheets - for analyzing data

Keynote and Powerpoint - for presentations

Lots of Post-it notes and Sharpies

Do you have a brilliant idea?

© Copyright 2022 Erifyli Tsavdari

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