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Ancient Memes

Ancient Greek Meme Plates

Project Overview

The Challenge

What would ancient Greek memes look like?

The Solution

Take ancient designs and patterns and combine them with cheesy pickup lines, to product a meme-like art piece that will ultimately evoke interest through laughter.

My Role

Art Designer & Producer



Terracotta clay, engobe, screen prints

Design  Process

I started by researching on youtube and Instagram on cheezy pickup line videos and memes. Cheezy pick up lines seems as most appropriate as it would feel that the characters on the plates were speaking directly to the viewer. I  collected a few that seemed witty, funny or even foulmouthed (those who have read Aristophanes would appreciate it).


My next research was on ancient Greek plates, the patterns, illustrations and figures that were on them. 


I practiced on plastic plates to see what the end result would most likely be.


I proceeded to make the plates, on a potters wheel, using terracotta clay, to match as close as possible the black and 'orange' color scheme' of ancient Greek ceramics. The illustrations and text were made using a slip trailer and angove. The plates were high fired (1220 degrees Celcius) to bring out the rich terracotta color and to seal the designs.





Practicing on plastic plates

End Result


"Do I know you? You look like my next girlfriend"


"Did you just come out of the oven cause you're pretty hot"


"Do you have an orphanage? I want to give you children"


"Did you just fart? Cause you blew me away"

Work Carried Out

Product Management 


User Research​

Market Research

Materials Research

Suppliers Research

Product Design


Do you have a brilliant idea?

© Copyright 2022 Erifyli Tsavdari

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